
Heavy interrupt turning Gears used CBN inserts BN-S20

In current times,there are so many new type cutting tools appeared,and they said that their products can satisfy the customers requirements;like interrupt turning,hard turning and grinding.But actually when manufacturers used their CBN inserts,they will find it difficult to machining ,and it will be chipping easily.

Halnn always devoted to satisfy different requirements of the customers ,so Halnn researched new grade BN-S20 CBN inserts ,specially for interrupt turning Gears ,and when it used in the actual conditions,they can easily solve their problems,and they also make the video for us ,please check as follows:
And if you would like to know more details about interrupt turning Gears ,contact with us halnntools@gmail.com,whatsapp:+8618695866134,skype:cbn_inserts_angels 

